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Database Management Systems

Performance Accelerator

Sybase, Inc

Performance Accelerator combines two advanced technologies to solve thecritical performance problems of ORACLE SQL*Forms applications --increased CPU usage through poor memory management and costly, andneedless database interaction through the use of the ORACLE DUAL table.The Performance Accelerator caches cursors to improve response time andreduce CPU usage. It further boosts performance by eliminating all callsto the ORACLE DUAL table, a device required by ORACLE SQL*Forms whenperforming application logic such as comparing field values forvalidation.Performance Accelerator also profiles an entire application, producingdetailed timing statistics on SQL statement triggers. Through a menu-driven interface, it lets you review performance statistics, such aselapsed execution time and elapsed parse time, critical to pinpointingand correcting application bottlenecks and inefficiencies.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Sybase, Inc
77 S Bedford St
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: (617) 564-6100
        (800) 933-0044
Fax: (617) 564-7960